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Some people start from their analysis of profitable keywords and write or commission articles based on
that topic; other folks write about their interests or passions and let the keywords fall
as they may. People link the good stuff. Nobody else does, either.)So how do you
get this good content? And what do you do with it once you have it?
Let's answer the last question first, because it's answer is so open-ended and easy it
just makes you want to cry. The expense of written content boils down to five
factors:- How hard/arcane is the subject matter - How good does the article need to
be - How fast do I need the article written - How many articles are
needed - How much credit does the article's author get for their workThe harder the
topic, the more difficult it is for writing companies to find writers willing and able
to write on it, in general. If you need an article immediately, writers tend to
charge more because they are having to drop, juggle, or defer other projects; being able
to wait ("it'll be done when it's done") can command a lower price. I'm not
going to quarrel with any of that - those authors are right, and you can
(and must) use those tools in order to achieve success. Most online readers are in
search of light tidbits rather than heavy meals - you can present a lot of
information, but you need to break it up into chunks.Another common question: "what can I
write about?" See the above answer - ANYTHING! If you have specific keywords in mind,
that obviously narrows things down for you. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT with it!Want
to start an online magazine? That can make good money, with the right topic choice
and the right content articles. The amount of work ordered makes a difference, as writers
are willing to take a lower word rate for a week's worth of work than
they are for a project of one article. How about an advocacy site - think
people will click on articles arguing in favor of (or against) opening drilling in the
Alaskan wilderness? Nike Tn You bet they will. I'm not an expert on those tools, so I
won't add another layer of ignorance to your study of them. Many entrepreneurs have explained
how to get rich online using SEO techniques, engine submission services, autoresponders and a dozen
other powerful and compelling methods. If you're truly committed, you could even make it a
career - generating a lot of articles for your own sites keeps your costs really
low and means that everything that comes in from ad revenue (or whatever your monetization
stream) is pure (cash) profit. In readership, in clickthrough rates, in retention - in any
metric you care to name, a good article, a terrific e-book, properly published online, will
always always always bring in the hits - and the money. But the human reader
- the person looking at your site and deciding whether to buy your product, click
your link, subscribe to your service - that guy isn't fooled. Unfortunately, for most entrepreneurial
types, time is at a premium and grinding content articles isn't the most profitable way
for them to spend the daylight hours.For those folks, companies like DocRocket can provide tailor-made
written content. Once you have that skeleton in place, it's time to start adding muscles
and organs - and that's where your friendly neighborhood content provider comes in!To find out
more about commissioning web content articles from DocRocket, please drop me a line at docrocket@gmail.com
or visit docrocket.net and I will personally review your project details and provide you with
a firm quote. Many engines don't index the entirety of longer pieces - so if
you have to have a long article, break it up among several pages. Even the
search engines of mighty Microsoft can make a mistake. Want to have a research site
focused on one topic and build an online community of folks interested in that topic?
Easy as pie. People find the good stuff. An article on how the caribou mate
fits just fine on your Alaskan drilling site. Do your own math!(Think about your own
online practices. The first is more efficient, the second may make you happier - that's
a balance you have tn requin to decide for yourself.The big question - how do I GET
this great content?The first answer: look in the mirror. If he doesn't, then he probably
isn't worth having as a customer - and if you're peddling goods that can only
be sold to the gullible, then you won't find much of value in this series.
Do you spend your time wading through crap articles that are obvious Wikipedia ripoffs, eagerly
seeking out the wares of the merchants advertising there? No. Upon approval of samples, the
entire run of articles is written and delivered to you in whatever format you have
specified - commonly, as individual Word files.Setting up a web site and getting ad revenue
streams in place for your articles is beyond the scope of this piece - there
are a lot of places on the Internet where you can find tremendous information on
that process. A quality content provider will first write sample articles to ensure that the
writers understand your needs and are creating the right kind of material for your site.
Google can be fooled. DocRocket provides quality web content and other writing and editing services
at a reasonable price, and we always look to cultivate long-term relationships with our clients.
He knows the difference between crap and caviar, and he knows whether your content is
worth reading or not, too. Your project is as important to us as it is
to you - let us help turn your online enterprise into a tremendous success.Robert Hayes
is a writer and editor of many years' experience. Use the unsubscribe option above and
let the rest of us get on with some good business.Bad content, well-indexed, may outperform
good content that hasn't had a decent SEO tuning. Particularly if you are planning your
site(s) around a personal interest or passion, this can be a great way to jumpstart
a bigger project. Yahoo is fallible. Most of the people reading this have the talent
to create web content articles. From that perspective, web content articles should be between 200
and 500 words long - longer is OK, but this is the length that gets
the most effective attention from search engines. Conveniently, this is also a good length for
human readers - it discusses a topic and can present some good information, but doesn't
turn into a long slog down the screen. Finally, the choice of whether or not
to offer bylines/credit for the piece can make a large difference. People follow links. The
content provider needs to know the topic of your articles - a list of exact
topics is ideal, but most content companies will generate specific topics for you if you
can provide a general overview of what you want. As long as the article is
GOOD (and as long as it's set up properly with the search engines), you can
use it in whatever style of site you want to design and run.Many clients ask
me, "what should my articles look like?" Often, they want to know for purposes of
search engine optimization. Many writers are willing to write for less - sometimes even for
nothing - in return for real credit, to have their name on an article and
a citation they can list on a resume.Commissioning a set of articles from a web
content provider is relatively simple. The sky is the limit - and to make it
even sweeter, you can use the same piece of content in multiple ways. More people
can write about Jessica Simpson's line of shoes than can write about the friability of
asbestos - two topics that my own company has had recent commissions on (from different
clients, although it could easily have been the same person)! Quality, of course, costs money,
in writing as in every other element of commercial life. Instead, I will tell you
about what I do know: content.Content quality is king. It also works on your nature
site, your encyclopedia site, and even your random article dump site. Most companies will request
prepayment for new clients, but existing clients can usually place orders freely and pay on
completion/acceptance. But I will guarantee this with my last breath: good, well-indexed content well-indexed will
kick bad well-indexed content around the block so many times that it won't even be
funny. His personal website is http://www.bobhayesonline.com His writing site is http://www.docrocket.net..
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